Saturday, March 22, 2008

THE FACTS - in brief

  1. My late father Mr.Mak Weng was employed from Singapore by Brunei Shell Petroleum Company Limited to work in Brunei from 3rd June 1949 to 31st December 1964.
  2. B.S.P. failed to renew his travelling document and it was expired when he was sent to work in Suai, Sarawak.
  3. When he was retired on 31st December 1964, B.S.P. did not send him and his family back to Singapore in accordance to the Letter Of Engagement signed on 4th August 1958 between B.S.P. and my late father Mr.Mak Weng.
  4. Instead, B.S.P. accused Mr.Mak Weng house trespassing G20/5A and he was imprisoned for two weeks - unfairly.
  5. B.S.P. also illegally suspended Mr.Mak Weng’s monthly pension and still owing us 40 over years of pension until today.
  6. After his jail released, Mr.Mak Weng continued living in G20/5A with his family while waiting for B.S.P. to repatriate back to Singapore however B.S.P. did not take action till Mr.Mak Weng passed away in 1993.
  7. His family continued on living in G20/5A nonetheless, on 14 April 1999, B.S.P. cut off the electricity, gas and water supplies to G20/5A, Seria, Brunei Darussalam.


Just This said...

Before even going further into your FATHER Expired Passport AND Blaming and Accusing BSP.

Where is the CONTRACT (Agreements) Between your FATHER AND BSP?

What is stated in the said contract?

What Human Right are you talking about?

Just This said...

Before even going further into your FATHER Expired Passport AND Blaming and Accusing BSP.

Where is the CONTRACT (Agreements) Between your FATHER AND BSP?

What is stated in the said contract?

What Human Right are you talking about?

.. Diana Genevieve William .. said...
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Unknown said...

Our family was from Spore came to Brunei worked for Shell in 1950. Shell lost our passports, we did not know WHY Shell kept our passports. We are not the only family had this problem with Shell. Anyway, now we are happy living in Canada as many Bruneian too. We heard stories about your family and lately read Borneo Bulletin about torn down that lonely wooden house once we stayed in that area too

Mak Pok Min said...

thank you for leaving the comment. we are doing our best to make BSP pay for their consequences!!!

Unknown said...

1.What Human Right your are talking about?

2. Lets assume Shell did loose your father passport for a second. When your father came to know about it. What did he do?? ( anticipating a winding answer )

3. Being a Singaporean...emmm what is your present Nationality now?

Unknown said...

For Michael :

When Shell lost your passport, your whole family passport, your generations passport etc etc, how did you fly off to Canada??...assuming landed either British Columbia or Alberta.

(anticipating a winding off track answer)

Mak Pok Min said...

for Mr. Michael's case. His family had to register for the PR stateless passport in order to migrate to canada.

Human Rights we are refering to are the false imprisonment, suspend of pension fund and other threats to evict my family out of G20/5A.

Unknown said...

For Michael :

1.Why didn't you/he report to the Police pertaining to the lost of the said Passport. With that you can approach Singapore High Com or whatever you call it during that time and get a new one...surely Singapore Govt have in their record

2.Is it an intent that you wish to stay in Brunei during those years and somehow or rather it backfire?

On the human right issue. Let not go further to that. One step at a time... Did your father make a police report and inform Singapore High Com or whatever you call it pertaining to the lost of the said passport?

Human right is a different issue. Prove to Brunei Govt that you did all that before claiming that worng was done on your side.

a. Show them the copy Contract Agreement your Father & Shell - Don't just claimed.
b. Show them the copy of Police report that in the statement HE did mentione shell lost HIS passport - Don't just claimed.
c. Show them a copy all communication HIM with any Singapore authority pertaining to lost of Singapore Passport and requesting a new one to be issue- Don't just claimed.

Yet alone until today NONE of this so call copies of documents been upload in your blogger site or any site that you put up. DON'T JUST CLAIMED.

Mak Pok Min said...

I'm sorry that you can't navigate well on this site.

I have posted all the above mentioned documents!!! All the documents uploaded are now evidences submitted to the BRUNEI court. All docs are legitimate.

The BSP sue us claiming Mak Weng lost his passport so they couldn't repatriate blaming Mak Weng. But backfired. When we show him that the passport was not lost infact was expired! which was the company's duty to extend in the first place.

If you have any further question kindly email us.